To provide a safe and caring learning environment for children of all ages.
We believe in the dignity of every child, and the value that each child brings into the world. That is why the respect, safety and development of the whole child is our primary concern. Through our programs, children develop the self-confidence and life skills needed to grow into the leaders they were meant to be! We are honoured to be part of their journey!

How Our Children Learn
Educators at The MMELC focus on a primarily play-based model of learning. We use various exploration methods that are suited to each child’s interests and skill levels, and regularly include Reggio-inspired lessons and materials into each day.
Every child learns differently, and our educators strive to meet each learner’s needs!
The Image of The Child: Children are seen as strong, resilient, capable and rich with wonder and knowledge. These qualities are nurtured and further developed through various activities.
Hundred Languages: We believe that every child has the ability to discover, learn, and communicate or express themselves in hundreds (or rather infinite!) ways. Our activities incorporate loose materials to encourage exploration and wonder.
Documentation: Our educators believe that the process of learning is more important than the product children create.
Family Partnership: Parents and guardians are the most important people in a child’s life! The MMELC strives to develop a close partnership with families in order to best serve the needs of the children in our care.
The Environment as Third Teacher: Our classrooms are filled with natural light, and serve as the third teacher for children to develop inquiry, creativity and free thought. Rooms are kept as orderly and simple as possible, and children’s artwork is our main source of decoration.
Teachers as Researchers: Our job is to provoke interest, inquiry and intellectual growth by listening to our children and extending their play or discussions. We provide materials as needed, and actively participate as co-learners in their process.